Oil current transformer, outdoor installation,
rated voltage 500 kV, with coefficient
transformation 2000 / 1A, with taps on the windings, measuring from the account - 1000 /
Number of secondary windings - 7, including: for accounting and measurement:
1st and 2nd windings, accuracy class 0.2S; For relay protection-3rd to 7th
windings, accuracy class 10 PR / 10 PR / 10 PR / 10 PR / 10 PR

4. Technical indicators
4.1. Rated secondary load of the protection winding (10 PR) - 20VA. The rated
maximum current ratio for the protection winding (the ratio of the max short-circuit current to
the rated primary current of the CT, at which the CT error is less than 10% at a given
secondary load) is 30.
The intrinsic resistance of the current transformer is not more than 36 ohms. The rated secondary
load of the measurement and metering windings is 30VA.
- Wind head - V = 29m / s.
- Ice-covered area - II (10 mm)
- Minimum temperature - 25 0 FROM
- Maximum temperature - +50 0 FROM
- Seismic - 7 points on the MSK-64 scale
- Equipment insulation - II * (specific creepage distance 2.25 cm / kV) in accordance with GOST 9920-89
5. Customer requirements
5.1 Products must be manufactured on the basis of genuine
technical and design documentation of the plant - manufacture (developer) at FA (actual
analogue) with KG (readiness factor) , indicating the numbers of the drawings, confirmed by a
letter of guarantee or the manufacturer's general power of attorney for the right to sell.
5.2 Product quality must comply with technical
conditions of the manufacturer and confirmed:
a) a certificate of conformity for the production of equipment - a copy certified by the
b) a certificate of conformity (conformity of the quality system of the zovod production to
the requirements ISO 9001-2015) - a copy certified by the manufacturer;
in) certificate of origin - a copy certified by the manufacturer;
d) manufacturer's quality certificate - copy; e)
equipment passport.
5.3 The warranty period for products must be at least
5 years from the date of installation.
5.4 The supplied materials and equipment (material and technical resources) must
be new, not previously used, released no later than 2020, production models reflecting all the
latest modifications and not discontinued by the manufacturer at the time of delivery.
5.5 The supplier (manufacturer) must ensure compliance
supplied (manufactured) materials and equipment to the requirements of the technical conditions, provided
that the consumer observes the conditions of installation, repair, operation, transportation and storage,
established in the Guidelines for
Symbol Explanation
Note: 1 The Company reserves the right to change the parameters in the table.
2 When the parameters required by the customer are different from that in the table, they can be negotiated
according to the requirement of the customer.
3 There are several current ratios for one-time switch of the transformer.
4 We also can provide with products which meet the requirement of IEC and ANSI.
Outline and Dimensional Drawing